Neurodivergent Photography Blog
Cultivate Compassion
Learn more about high-energy, or sensitive children and how you can best serve them during a photography session. Neurodivergent families make up 10% or more of the families out there and family photographers can use these resources to help meet their needs. Step out of frustration and into compassion!
Barriers & Step 1 to Inclusion
We inadvertently put up barriers as photographers that keep families that are neurodiverse from contacting us. Let me touch on one of those barriers and give you a challenge.
How to keep a High-Energy Kid from getting bored at a Photo Session
Do you ever feel overwhelmed when working with a high-energy or ADHD child? Learn how you can harness their energy and bring out pure joy during your photo session!
Why didn’t they tell me their child was different?
I have heard photographers share horror stories about how they showed up for a session and eventually figured out that the child was autistic or had ADHD and the session went poorly. As a photographer, this type of information can help us prepare certain modifications to our workflow to ensure the family still has a great session experience. It is so devastating when we have a bad session! Especially when we, as the photographer, feel it could have been prevented. All the parents had to do was tell us their kid was different, how hard is that?